Personal Assistant Handbook

Tools for Becoming or Hiring the Ultimate Personal Assistant
“Finally, a true ‘insiders’ guide.”
~ Lori Zucker Briller – The Grapevine Agency
“An important resource for Personal Assistants.”
~ Bonnie Low-Kramen – (Author of Be the Ultimate Assistant)
When’s the last time you got paid to travel around the world, had carte blanche access to events and premiers, or rubbed elbows with the trend setters? The Essential Handbook for Personal Assistants is THE nuts and bolts guide covering everything you need to successfully become a Personal Assistant. Whether you’ll be working in a household, office, estate, or multiple homes, or traveling around the globe, this guide will take you through all the steps you need from beginning your search and finding the best jobs, to hitting the ground running and looking like a Rock Star without missing a beat.
You’ll learn trade secrets and coveted techniques for keeping yourself valuable. If you’re already a working Personal Assistant and switching to a new position, you’ll get valuable tools and insights to make your boss think you’ve been doing this for years. Employers will get personalized insights for hiring the right Personal Assistant saving a ton of time and money.
I’m always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let’s connect.